Drywell Closure & Clean up
Action Hazmat Companies specializes in the closure of drywells used for stormwater interception on residential, commercial and industrial properties.
We operate across Long Island, including Queens, Suffolk County and Nassau County!
Drywells 101
Drywells are underground stormwater management structures that collect water runoff from adjacent areas and direct it into the ground. They have been used for years in areas where there are no pipes or waterways to receive stormwater, and where the soils are suitable for infiltration.
Contact us if you’re looking to decommission a drywell in compliance with state and federal regulations. Action Hazmat Companies provides a full list of services for owners of existing drywells and property owners seeking stormwater management solutions. We also specialize in guzzler services
Drywells are regulated in the state of New York
More About Our Services
Drywells need to be registered prior to decommissioning. Contact us to learn more about the registration, investigation and abandonment procedures for drywell decommissioning.
Clean closures do not require an APP permit. They are, however, subject to an investigation to satisfy clean closure requirements. An investigation and APP permit are required for drywells in draining areas where hazardous substances are used, stored, loaded or treated.
Different decommissioning procedures apply to drywells with different seepage pit designs
Drywell decommissioning involves:
Removing sediments and any drainage compounds.
Removing the settling chamber.
Backfilling the drywell.
Mechanically compacting the backfill.