Chemical Clean up and Disposal

The United States Environmental Protection Agency enforces a number of regulations related to pollution by chemicals.

Operating across Long Island, Action Hazmat Companies specializes in chemical cleanups and the disposal of hazardous wastes.

Cleanup Enforcement by the EPA

Hazardous wastes, such as chemicals, solvents and pesticides, should never be emptied into waste bins, sinks or drains. They are harmful to public health and the environment.

Action Hazmat Companies specializes in chemical waste cleanup and disposal! Contact us for an integrated waste management solution for hazardous chemicals, from oily waste and sludge to paints, cyanide waste and acids. Our services and equipment meet EPA guidelines.

Count on us to tailor our services to your specific needs


 Chemical Clean up and Disposal Long Island Suffolk County  Nassau County
 Chemical Clean up and Disposal Long Island Suffolk County  Nassau County

More About Chemical Cleanups and Disposal

Since 1988, Action Hazmat Companies has been at the forefront of the hazardous waste disposal industry, offering services from site cleanups to contaminated soil removal and confined space entry. We have the expertise and resources to meet the waste management needs of a wide range of industries!

Our procedures comply with the regulations and standards set by all local authorities. We are committed to helping homeowners, businesses and institutions meet their environmental obligations to their community.

Our chemical waste management strategies comply with the latest regulations


Why Choose Us?

30 years in business.

Professional team.

Wide service area.

Comprehensive waste management services.

From oils to solvents, we can handle your chemical waste needs!